Monday Lunch Together

Every Monday from 12pm-1pm, at St Paul’s Church 100 Chapel St. everyone in the community is welcome to join “Monday Lunch Together” a free and nutritious homemade meal, except on Stat holidays. This lunch is prepared and served by Foodshare’s Employment Program participants as part of their food skills training. Community members joining us for lunch are welcome to line up at St Paul’s lower level door across from Studio N/A. Place your orders to dine-in or take out and come as an individual, a group or order for your group/work team to-go! Donations are gladly accepted by cash or card (but not required). At times our Employment Programs are unavailable to run this event, where we often work with our Generations Eating Together participants and community volunteers! If you are interested in volunteering with this program and to hear of upcoming dates we need volunteer help contact Calven at



2022-23 Highlights:

  • 2,932 lunches were provided (dine-in or to-go).
  • We collaborated with the City of Nanaimo’s warming center in partnership with 7-10 Club. (Dec-March).
  • Foodshare employment program participants prepared and served 37 Monday lunches


Email or

call the office at 250-753-9393