Dear friends of Foodshare,

It has been another busy year, with new challenges brought about from the pandemic. Once again, our staff and volunteers have risen to the challenge of continuing to grow our programs and help further food security in Nanaimo. As always, Nanaimo Foodshare is very grateful to our community who have generously supported us in so many ways this past year. Thank you, you are appreciated!!

As we head into the holiday season, we wanted to send a quick update on our activities: 

Holiday Closure 

To provide our hardworking staff with a much-deserved rest, Nanaimo Foodshare will be closed from December 24 through January 1, reopening on Tuesday January 4, 2022. Please note:

2021 Highlights

This was our 21st year of operation and it was a very busy and interesting one indeed. Here are a few highlights.

Give the Gift of Food and Nutrition Security

Like what we’re doing in the community? We’re always happy to receive one-time or monthly donations that support our various projects. 

Donate Today

Have a safe and healthy holiday!

All of the staff and Board at Nanaimo Foodshare Society